Right sided headache persists for several days and I am sure I am not suffering from migraine, because before the episode, I'll have "Visual Aura", which is a warning sign to me, follows by terrible pain, nausea and vomiting, for sure.
So what's causing me looking so lousy, sneezing, swelling eyes??
I've got sinus problem about 10 years back. It was an acute sinusitis I developed during family trip to Cameron Highlands. I still remember I couldn't breath nicely the whole night, due to the weather, I thought I had cold and severe nose block. After a few days, daddy decided to bring me to see an ENT specialist at Fatimah Specialist Hospital and I was diagnosed with Sinusitis. According to the doc, there is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses. It is usually caused by infection (bacterial or viral), but can also be caused by allergic reactions or other responses to environmental agents. For me, I think is weather + low immune systems = problem comes. Since then, I started with the spray for almost 4 years and finally "weaned off the bottle" because some idiots said I might get addicted to it. Well, that was about 3-4 years back since the last episode and I no longer having the nasal spray, I am so afraid of the sinus draining but there is just "too much fluid inside" now. I blamed it to the Air Con temperature in the clinic. *I know this can never be the reason for me to tender my resignation* Room 16 and Room 21 are like oven at time but stuffy all the time. The rest of the rooms are like freezer. I was already sick on Fri, still got to stay in Room 18, assisting prof kth for continously 5 hours. *cursing*
I'm feeling sooooo lousy and sleepy...How? I don't wanna take MC
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