Say NO to Hair Loss!

Friday, October 10, 2008

I do use comb, but once a day. Yeah, I comb my hair only once a day. Why? My hair has been falling like nobody bussiness! How bad is it? 3 times as bad.

But right now, I comb my hair frequently and I was so happy as there was ZERO hair on my band when I removed it!!

I heart my Head & Shoulders shampoo!

4 chirping:

mommysam said...

Is it because of stress - you have hair fall?

Diana G.B. said...

partially i think. actually my problem started when I loss weight years ago.

mommysam said...

I think that period your body hormone change. In this scenario, better take care of yourself when come to confinement. Scared might come back again.

Diana G.B. said...

aiyoh....i'll take note..thanks!!