His Income Tax

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

For Once, I wish our household income was not so high.. You bet, just received Ben's income tax statement today but Ben thinks otherwise, " I don't mind paying more if I am earning a lot .." Oh please Ben, with this amount, I can get at least 2-3 LV bags ok! *so petty*

9 chirping:

Mummy N said...

i know how it feels! :(

you can opt for the monthly giro deduction.

Anonymous said...

eh.. ask him to do some tax planning..

mommysam said...

Haha... Ben is earning good till he have to pay Government instead of you;) Yes - Giro is a good option if not very heart pain to pay at one go:'(

Diana G.B. said...

sam, nat,

already on giro since last year..


you teach him la

Anonymous said...

can.. no pro.. give me sometime to have it planned.. need info from u also..

Diana G.B. said...

then u ask him la. thanks hor.

Anonymous said...

i think you are LV's lover =)

Anonymous said...

I think you are LV's bag lover.

Diana G.B. said...

Eh..not a lover of LV's bag but I do like a few of their bags