Only Invited Readers

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Updates : I've send out invitations to those who emailed me today. *nice knowing you all* You all may continue to come to my blog with your email addresses but then I think you need to register with

With more than 100 readers a day, I thought this blog was only browse by those I know and those who want to know me. *maybe*

After blogging so many stuff over the past few years, Ben said I should limit my blog readers and of course, not so much of "exposure" as we should have some privacy over our own lives. *yup, stop telling people what I am doing daily or else more people will tell me my blog is "so boring"*
All right all right, to all my silent readers out there, my blog is open to invited readers only, wef from coming weekend. If you want to continue browsing my blog, email me at

7 chirping:

mommysam said...

Haha... Ben is funny. No lah! I take this blog as new information centre. You did post things that are new to me=)

Diana G.B. said...

a few a few...

you know what, after I told him I will limit my readers, he said," why? Then why still blog? Funny.."

I feel like killing him sometimes! Hahaha... but I really wanna control the traffic at my blog and at the same time, try to "know" my readers..

Mummy N said...

sisters get default permission?

mommysam said...

He do or say things in a interesting manner. Haha...

Diana G.B. said...

nat, yup.

sam, he ar.. i call him nonsense.

Aka Pamela S. said...

me me... :)

Diana G.B. said...

pam, i've sent u but then i am going to keep it open but have second plan.