Not for the Buddhist & Hindu

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We all love sweets...
I wasn't aware too..

7 chirping:

mommysam said...

Oh my god! This sweet is commonly available in Temples *oops*

Diana G.B. said... we stop giving to the children in the clinic.

mommysam said...

I see. Luckily we seldom eat this sweets. Who notice it?

Diana G.B. said...

are you a buddhist? I love this sweet and I am a free thinker! A doctor, I think is Gene Ong noticed it.

mommysam said...

I see. I am a free thinker. So it's ok to me.

Diana G.B. said...

haha...I am not a sweet person but I always take this in the clinic.

mommysam said...

Haha... Thanks for console me on the talks:)