Teluk Anson Chee Cheong Fan

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Chris was so nice to ferry us to get our "poland chairs" at eastern part of the island and there we found "Teluk Anson Chee Cheong Fan". We were so excited and thought we don't have to travel 8 hours to have a taste of our famous hometown delicacy. So, the most logical thing we did is to order this
and this and this Verdict : Don't think I'll come back here again.

8 chirping:

Mummy N said... its still 8 hrs of travelling... 5 if my hub's driving! hee

Diana G.B. said...

yeah..thank god i don't need to travel also get to eat!!!! Parents are going back soon. M is going back this weekend, I told her to snap some photos for the barang barang I want.

Mummy N said...

Hee.. yaps. We are kind of privileged!

Thank God for doting parents. hee

mommysam said...

Where's your hometown? My hubby hometown is Kedah which 12 hours bus ride *rolled eye*

Diana G.B. said...

I was originally from Teluk Anson aka Teluk Intan.

Diana G.B. said...

Yalar mummy, but i don't feel like eating this ccf..hehe..I'll ask them not to buy so many packs.

mommysam said...

Hee... I don't know where is your place. Near Taiping or????

Diana G.B. said...

not near taiping but near ipoh. You search "teluk intan chee cheong fun" then u can see the famous leaning tower in m'sia. That's my hometown.