I've found it ~

Thursday, June 05, 2008

I've found the instant noodles !!

Thanks Sam for offering her help to get the instant noodles I was craving for the last one week..

Can't wait to eat now..*slurp*

7 chirping:

mommysam said...

So happy for you=) Need me to buy for you?

Diana G.B. said...

Thank you SAM!! no need la since we got it liao.My mum and sis said not nice...:(

mommysam said...

Oh no! That's bad:( Let me see Taiwan got Japanese brand instant foodstuffs, I buy for you to try=) Cheer up!

Diana G.B. said...

oh..how nice of you...is ok la~ I have yet to try them. maybe I will like it..hehe..:)

mommysam said...

No worries! As I intend to buy some and try:p Wish me luck for a good shopping trip in August=)

Anonymous said...

Where did you buy the cup noodle? I had been searching it high and low for it!

Diana G.B. said...

chocolate, I got them from NTUC Toa Payoh. There are 2 NTUCs at TPY. I went to the one near the CASH CONVERTER. They don't come in cup but like normal noodle pack.