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在上海繁华的淮海路以南,思南路东侧的香山路上(原莫利爱路),坐落着一幢欧洲乡村式样的小洋房,这就是我国伟大的民主革命先行者孙中山和夫人宋庆龄1918年至1925年间在上海的寓所。 自1894年创建兴中会,孙中山先生就一直奔波于海内外策动起义、领导革命,自己却连个固定的住所都没有。为了支持孙中山的革命活动,旅居加拿大的华侨集资买下这栋住宅捐赠给他。这里是孙中山生活和从事革命活动的地方,也是他思想发展和飞跃的历史见证地:在这里,孙中山潜心研究革命理论,认真总结经验和教训,完成了《孙文学说》、《实业计划》等重要著作;在这里,孙中山会见中国共产党和苏俄代表,重新解释三民主义,完成了他思想上巨大的飞跃;在这里,孙中山召开会议,着手改组国民党,酝酿了第一次国共合作;在这里,孙中山举行记者招待会,向国人发出和平统一祖国的号召…… 1924年,孙中山应邀北上共商国是,次年3月12日病逝于北京。宋庆龄料理完孙中山的丧事后回到上海,继续在此居住。1937年,侵华日军占领上海,宋庆龄接受中共方面的劝告,离开了这里。 抗战胜利后,宋庆龄将此寓所移赠国民政府,作为孙中山的永久纪念地。1949年上海解放,人民政府接管了这里。1961年3月4日,故居成为国务院公布的首批全国重点文物保护单位之一。 现在故居内的陈设,绝大多数是孙中山和宋庆龄使用过的原件原物,并遵照宋庆龄生前回忆按二、三十年代原样布置。楼下是客厅和餐厅,楼上是书房、卧室和小客厅,在书房和卧室前,有一间长方形的内阳台。楼旁是汽车间。楼前是一片草坪,围绕着冬青,香樟和玉兰等树木花卉。 上海孙中山故居是世人敬仰的革命圣地,党和国家领导人以及许多外国政府的首脑都曾到这里瞻仰,每年有数万外宾、海外侨胞、港澳台同胞和国内观众前来瞻仰。 每逢孙中山先生诞辰纪念日(11月12日)和逝世纪念日(3月12日),故居内外总是放满鲜花,上海市领导、各界人士和孙中山先生家属怀着崇敬的心情前来瞻仰孙中山故居,缅怀孙中山领导人民推翻帝制,建立共和的丰功伟绩。 孙中山在中国近代史上写下了光辉的篇章。上海孙中山故居,作为一个重要里程碑,将永远屹立在中国人民心中。
English Version:
Just down south of bustling Huaihai Rd.,No.7,Xiangshan Rd.,to the verdant east of Sinan Rd.,has a peaceful setting for an elegant building in the style of a European country house.It is the location of the Former Residence of Sun Yat-sen, the great forerunner of Chinese democratic revolution.Sun resided here from 1918 to 1925,together with his wife Soong Ching Ling. The building of the Former Residence was donated by overseas Chinese in Canada in support of Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary activities.This building is where Sun Yat-sen took up residence and it witnessed revolutionary activities he engaged and the great transformation of his thinking.During his residence,Sun produced many important works,including The Doctrines of Sun Wen and the International Development of China,met with the representatives of Chinese Communist Party and Soviet Russia,set out to reorganize the Kuomintang (the Nationalist Party),conceived a plan for an alliance with the Chinese Communists.And in November 1924,Sun held a press conference here and called people to reunite the nation peacefully. At the end of 1945,Soong Ching Ling offered to leave this residence in the care of the government,intending it as a permanent site for honoring memories of Sun Yat-sen.In 1949,the People's Municipal Government of Shanghai took over the preservation of the residence.On March 4,1961,the Former Residence of Sun Yat-sen was designated by the State Council as one of China's first major government-protected cultural sites. Most of the exhibits displayed in the residence are original and arranged as they were in the 20s and 30s according to Soong Ching Ling's recollections.The sitting room and the dining room are on the ground floor.Upstairs are the study, the bedroom and a small sitting room.Attached to this building is a two-storey outbuilding originally designed as a garage.In front of the residence is an impressive garden. With his revolutionary contributions,Sun Yat-sen added a splendid chapter to the annals of modern China.The Former Residence of Sun Yat-sen in Shanghai will be revered as an enduring historical monument by the Chinese people. End.
We were 30 minutes late when we reached there. What a waste, but we will definitely come back and will visit 宋庆龄故居(嫁妆from her parents) at the same time.
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