Shame on me to steal this topic from C's blog!! *show tongue* Am I running out of topic or what??!!?? Luckily is little C's blog, I think Nat minds a lot when others steal her ideas on the blog and start creating similar topic and the best part is - she saw it. Nat, I know how you feel...sigh..So today topic is about *drum rolling*
Yeah, is about the money tree!! I also wanna plant one money tree, small one will do!! My little money tree is way tooo small and "fruit" is not ripe yet so I am plucking Nat's. Haha!!!
2 chirping:
So cute idea:p Don't worry C will protect you *wink* Since you are her favourite person:p
Yeah..fav person..!! She has a lot.. Oh, I've started to miss this little one, TGIF, we will be seeing her on coming Sunday.
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