IM Injection

Monday, February 18, 2008

I am a nurse, I am still a state registered nurse (licence not expired~)
I've given numerous injections to my patients and I have to admit that

It was a breezy night, Ben and I went for evening walk and this culprit
caused this and I have to go to Dr. Loh's clinic for IM tetanus jab! IM is enough to kill me, the needles is like 16g !! Even Dr. Loh was shock with the size of the needles. With my young, smooth and full of collagen skin, I'll let you imgine the rest..
Okok, at least I know for the next 5 years, I won't have to take this jab anymore if I ever step on a rusty nail.. *touch wood*

p/s: my arm area is still red and slightly swollen and pain upon movement. Sigh..

0 chirping: