
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

“做年”is the way we say for “过年”. Interesting, right? Just like every family, we will prepare cookies, biscuits for family and giveaway some to our immediate families. But there is something that I have no idea if it happens in every Chinese family but in our family, as Hainanese, is a 习俗(tradition) that we will prepare a nice tray and place some auspicious items on it and each of everyone of them contains some meanings : 供年

年糕 - “年糕”与“年高”谐音 寓意“步步高升”一年比一年高

黄梨/凤梨 - “黄梨”与“旺来”谐音,寓意“ 旺来”

菜头/白萝卜 - “菜头”与“彩头”谐音,寓意 “ 好彩头”

萝卜 - 寓意 “ 好彩头”

大吉/橘子 - 寓意“大吉大利”

蒜 - “蒜”与“算”谐音,寓意“有钱算”

葱 - “葱”与“聪”谐音,寓意“聪明伶俐”

茄子 - 海南话寓意“一年比一年好”,“今年胜过往年”

番茄 - 海南话寓意“一年比一年好”,“今年胜过往年”

芹菜 - “芹”与“勤”谐音,祈望全家在新的一年勤勤劳劳

芋头 - “芋头”与“意头”谐音,寓意“好意头”

柚子 - “柚子”与“碌有”谐音,寓意好事陆续。柚子每瓣向心、抱成一团,也即寓意齐心、团结、和睦相处

葫芦 - “葫芦”与“福禄”谐音,寓意美好。茎称为“蔓”,又与“万”谐音,所以“福禄寿”齐全

金瓜 - “金瓜富地落满屋”,金黄色的南瓜,寓意着能给人带来财富

白菜 - “白菜”与“百财”谐音,寓意“百财”,有聚财、招财、发财、百财聚来的含意

香蕉 - 寓意招财

生菜 - “生菜”与“生财”谐音,生菜寓意“生财”

苹果 - “苹”与“平”谐音,寓意“平平安安”

沙葛 - 好意头的年菜

Besides the new year tray, there is our little hamper for parents. While shopping for hampers, we didn't find anything that we like so we bought all auspicious items and display them nicely in this basket prepared by me.

1 chirping:

Anonymous said...

Very interesting read. Looks like you have done quite a bit of research. Would be better if you could use some Chinese characters