My Precious...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

* Smooch my Smoochie! *

Smoochie won himself "the cutest pet" at Uberture and featured at Clubpets' magazine 2 years back with this photo. He is such a sweet boy that his previous owner didn't know how to appreciate him but thanks to his stupidity, or else we won't have the chance to adopt* him. YUP, he was a 3kg puppy when we adopted* him home from ALL, after some 'legal agreement'. We were told that the stupid fellow chased him out of the house because he got retrenched. See! A-hole right? As agreed, we can only bring him home after his sterilisation at Mt.P, so he was consider 'not complete' when he went for the Pure Breed Non Reg. Competition. Hahaha but still got consolation prize.

* Word of the day : ADOPT

1. To take into one's family through legal means and raise as one's own child.
a. To take and follow (a course of action, for example) by choice or assent: adopt a new technique.
b. To take up and make one's own: adopt a new idea.
3. To take on or assume: adopted an air of importance.
4. To vote to accept: adopt a resolution.
5. To choose as standard or required in a course: adopt a new line of English textbooks.


[Middle English adopten, from Old French adopter, from Latin adoptre : ad-, ad- + optre, to choose.]


a·dopta·bili·ty n.
a·dopta·ble adj.
a·dopter n.
a·doption n.
Usage Note: Children are adopted by parents, and one normally refers to an adopted child but to adoptive parents, families, and homes. When describing places, one can use either adopted or adoptive: She enjoys living in her adopted country. Detroit is their adoptive city.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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