Kitchen Aid Artisan or Kenwood Patissier ?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I was lemming on this Kitchen Aid Artisan mixer for quite sometime and now I am in dilemma to get this one or to get the Kenwood Patissier. Reason is simple : PRICE! One is $899 and the latter is only less than $500. Features wise, almost the same and I can choose colour. Was crazy about pink one and now I am getting a white red one instead (wanna paint my future kitchen in white pink). HOW!??

3 chirping:

Anonymous said...

Hi Diana,

I bought my mixer for $588 during court sales. Kenwood Major 600. MY baking teacher is using kenwood chef. If u r looking into budget & powerful. Major recommended.
I think now also got sales. Chk it out with courts.


Diana G.B. said...

Hi there,

So nice of you! But I've just got swept at Tangs, because hubby gave me a $300 worth of Tangs Voucher. I choose the Pattisier instead of Kitchenaid because it is way too expensive for a novice like me. =) Thanks Again.

Diana G.B. said...

opps, I mean my credit card got swept