My very first butter cake

Saturday, June 24, 2006

I know this is abit silly but we are going to make our very own wedding cake. Ben has encouraging me to bake one since I am always like to be in the kitchen. Yes I can cook but I've never bake a cake. I've tried some cookies many years back while I was still in the Poly. Today, with mum's help, I've baked my first butter cake, thanks to Wilton's recipe and my parents, who went around with me to look for the baking tools and ingredients. Thanks to my lovely hubby who has been supportive. I still have a year time to practise and yes, practise make perfect. So bear with me, okay? Why? Because I am going to bake at least 2 cakes in a month or once a week and of cause I am going to give it to my colleagues, Ben's colleagues and my relatives as I am on strict diet, 900 calories? Dr. Johan, if I lose weight successfully, I am going to bake one for you too!!
Well, that's it for all now without icing, but will try next week together with the fondant I've bought today at Jurong and I'm going to give it Dallas as her birthday cake, can't wait to next week!!

1 chirping:

*_*Alyssa*_* said...

i was loooking over your blog and didnt find what i was looking for.Please visit its really funny!make sure to leave a comment!!!!