Parent's 34th Wedding Anniversary

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Coincidently, it falls on Halloween..but parents wanted to go M'sia so we decided to dine out a day before instead.

At Soup Restaurant

This is their 34th wedding anniversary and these 2, still holding hands when they go out. To sustain a long lasting relationship, there are just too many things to learn..
  1. forgive & forget
  2. remain positive
  3. get rid of all insecure feeling
  4. trust
  5. respect
  6. acceptance
  7. empathy
  8. be a listener
  9. sharing

And the list goes on...

4 chirping:

Mummy N said...

congratulations daddy and mummy!

truly one of the greatest people in our lives and we love you to bits!

Mummy N said...

get mum to bring back that pic of them taken when they were dating and then 20 yrs later. the one at the big rock.

mommysam said...

In order to maintain a longlasting relationship, it's really a challenge & knowledge. They will hold hand till the end of the route=)

Diana G.B. said...

nat, you call them to bring back la.

sam, true true