After settling some paperwork at TYP hub, Ben and I went to Balestier Road to do some window shopping. Talk about Balestier Road, how can we miss this?
Yeah, the best Tau Sar Piah from Loong Fatt. I happily joined the queue, thinking that I can buy 2 dozens for Nat and parents, to my horror, I found no notes in my wallet! I forgot to draw cash. I digged and digged and diggety-dig out $5.40 !!
Aunt : 你要几个咸,几个甜 ? (lu ai gui gai giam? gui gai liam?)
Di : 九个,咸的 ! 谢谢。 (gao gai, giam, boh gai li)
We spoke in Hainanese! I didn't know they are hainanese until they overheard I spoke hainanese to my family, and knowing we are from the same clan, we use our common lingo. I MUST RAVE about their homemade tau sar piah!! Is really the best I've ever tasted!! The skin is so flaky and the paste just smelt in your mouth and trust me, it goes very well with the hainanese coffee! Please don't tell me about the calories of one tau sar piah, I finished more than quater and yes I forgot to take photos! Below are courtesy from preposterous.
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